Final Fantasy Dimensions

Final Fantasy Dimensions is the pink candy for fans of the classic role-playing game series Final Fantasy. What more when playing a FF original gameplay style with modern enhancements. Square Enix put FFD as a love letter to the fans of Square Enix, like to say that they are still of interest to us as well as the Final Fantasy series. The old becomes new again, arrived at the player back into the role of the main character and save the world! Earn to die 5

Dimensions is a game or with a storyline can only talk through the 2 words: So great! The story is divided into 4 large chapter and under the context of the world are in the war between the forces of Light and Dark magic. You will became captain, leading his brothers and put everything back right where we belong through the story are fascinating led Square Enix. Earn to die 6

The game will make you move through the village devastated by war, the High Court to take advantage of the blue skies and the cave full of monsters. Both the Chocobo, flying ships and the large maze can make you crazy. The game's storyline full of nodes and open at the right time, not cause boring thanks to the changes properly.
Age of war 3

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Age Of War 3

 Age Of War 3  , you can not miss its age of war 3 is also extremely interesting and equally attractive. It is a strategy game will fight the alien invaders you. You start Age of War 3 in the Stone mà you have only a limited basis and money. Want to succeed and maintain your success, you have to prepare well and prepare monitoring many strong arsenal  During the battle, you pay attention to information about units vì some units are good at defeating Certain units. Each time you Evolve, more powerful của trở units and you have a new base as well as other building POSSIBILITIES. Furthermore, one has one Certain age Certain special attack.

For example, Melee units are regarded as a shield from attack còn a distance ranged ones. Whenever you knock out units or your units are defeated, you have Experience Points. Experience Points can help you launch a special attack or Evolve. Improves the power của Upgrading Troops together with weapons. Age of War 3 has cool sound. Enjoy it!

   Gold Miner   The game consists of 4 levels of difficulty: easy, normal, hard and insane. Whether you choose one that you exist and aliens premature failure. Money plays an important role in this game, more than you are supposed to gain money with the first gathering. Gatherer can change money Into Water. Hence, after clicking on của base, you click on the tier one time. Money used to build turrets nên in order to defend của base. Creating a turret base is easy by chọn you. Besides building turrets, offensive units are NECESSARY to attack the aliens. You make những offensive by creating in an infantry units first and then chọn của tent base.

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